The Mackenzie Dossier by John Holt - Available on Amazon
Kendall could just see the television screen. There was a photograph of
Governor Frank Reynolds. Across the bottom of the screen the ticker tape
announced in large black letters 'Governor Reynolds Murdered'. The
voice over was filling in whatever detail was available. Apparently his
body had been discovered earlier that morning. He had been found lying
in his garage. He had been shot twice. One shot to the upper chest, the
other hitting his shoulder. 'Police believe that the weapon used was a 9
mm pistol,' the reporter said. Kendall froze. Anthony Shaw had also
been killed by a 9 mm bullet. Kendall was not quite sure of what it all
meant. What connection was there between Anthony Shaw, and the State
Governor, and the business mogul, Ian Duncan. And what about Senator
Mackenzie? Where did he fit in? And who or what was Latimer? Only a
short while ago Kendall was a small time private detective , a Private
Eye, investigating an insignificant little murder with no clues, no
witnesses, and no motive. In fact, no nothing. Now he had so many pieces
of a puzzle he didn't know how they fitted together. He didn't even
know if they all came from the same puzzle.

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