Bombs And Butterflies by Jo Carroll - Available on Amazon
Did you know that Laos is the most bombed country in the world? If Jo
Carroll had spent more time with her guidebooks and less with a
physiotherapist preparing her creaking knees for squat toilets she’d
have been better prepared when she crossed the Mekong in a long boat and
stepped into the chaos of Huay Xai. But bombs still lie hidden in Laos’
jungles, in the rice paddies, and in the playgrounds. While young
people open their doors to new ideas and possibilities, memories of war
are etched on the faces of the old.
What sort of welcome would they give a western woman, wandering around with her notebook? Would they dare let her peer into their secret corners?

What sort of welcome would they give a western woman, wandering around with her notebook? Would they dare let her peer into their secret corners?